Monday, July 19, 2010

Jennifer Lundquist #10

This week has been pretty crazy with the camps going on but it’s been great being surrounded by volleyball again. Monday, we started team camps and had a blast helping the teams improve their game play. Not only was playing volleyball fun, but the social events in the dorms were a gas for everyone. Tuesday night was skit night and we asked the teams staying in the dorms to come up with a skit and perform it in front of everyone. They did a good job but I must say the MSU team took it to the max by performing both a peanut butter skit and a hypnotizing skit (videos of these will be posted on the blog). After two and a half days of working on skills, we finished with a tournament. But that’s not all, once team camps ended, individual skills campers arrived and so began that two-and-a-half-day event. Working on blocking, hitting, serving, setting and passing we saw big improvements in the campers. On top of the camps, the MSU team had open gym sessions each evening where we had a blast playing with each other, incomers, and recruits. It felt so good to get back into the swing of things and the recruits/incomers stepped up to the plate. Taylar, Coach Jen and I manned the ‘Cat Store’ and embarked on an expedition to sell our favourite item, the bright blue spandex, and be superior DJs for the campers. We succeeded in selling a couple blue pairs of spandex but the ‘DJ’ing could use some work (according to Shann and Rachelle). Overall, this week was fun and a great learning experience for not only the campers but the MSU players as well. We’re all looking forward to the weekend and getting some rest. Peace out.

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